pictured: A woman holding her pet chicken lol I'm pretty sure shell eat it soon
So last week as we were contacting in the street we walked passed a young mom pushing her stroller walking along side her dad and as we passed my comp and I both turned around and we were like, "should we go?" and debating and then ended up running after her hahah (why do I even debate these things still? haven't I learned? lol) and as we talked to them and explained who we are and what our purpose is, the mom, Vivian, accepted a visit in her home for this week.
So we visited her and we taught her all about the Restoration and about Joseph Smith and this woman has a lot of faith! She believed in everything we taught her and the spirit was really sweet and present.
Later this week we visited her again and taught her about the Plan of Salvation and she accepted a baptismal date for the 25 of February. She was really eager to move forward and follow Christ.
I love how the spirit can push us as much as we need to, to find and rescue our brothers and sisters.
We could have totally just passed her and kept moving forward but we both new that we needed to talk to her, thanks to the spirit. She is more than anything ready to take these steps more fully in her life!
Im really excited to see what happens for her and to keep working with her.
Right now were in a moment of finding more people to teach but this area is great and has lots of potential I think!
I love you all have a great week!
Monday Jan 30 2017
So last week as we were contacting in the street we walked passed a young mom pushing her stroller walking along side her dad and as we passed my comp and I both turned around and we were like, "should we go?" and debating and then ended up running after her hahah (why do I even debate these things still? haven't I learned? lol) and as we talked to them and explained who we are and what our purpose is, the mom, Vivian, accepted a visit in her home for this week.
So we visited her and we taught her all about the Restoration and about Joseph Smith and this woman has a lot of faith! She believed in everything we taught her and the spirit was really sweet and present.
Later this week we visited her again and taught her about the Plan of Salvation and she accepted a baptismal date for the 25 of February. She was really eager to move forward and follow Christ.
I love how the spirit can push us as much as we need to, to find and rescue our brothers and sisters.
We could have totally just passed her and kept moving forward but we both new that we needed to talk to her, thanks to the spirit. She is more than anything ready to take these steps more fully in her life!
Im really excited to see what happens for her and to keep working with her.
Right now were in a moment of finding more people to teach but this area is great and has lots of potential I think!
I love you all have a great week!